Let me tell you...if I had a dollar for every business owner who said to me “to be honest with you...word of mouth is my best form of advertising.” WelI, let’s just say, I would have more dollars!
Whether you advertise or not, the market will have conversations about your business. All good businesses will grow by word of mouth, so the role advertising plays is that it allows you to control your story, your brand and influence what people say about you. It serves as a really big mouth, reaching people faster and further than word of mouth can. If you don’t advertise, the market will have conversations about you without your input. While that can be both good and bad, it takes the control out of your hands. By having a strong brand in place, you’re insulated against the rare bad conversation by all the good things people hear, think, and say about your company.
Think about the following for your business:
With advertising, you can set out to develop your story by controlling the message through a consistent campaign that focuses on the main benefit you offer.
Once you do this, you will gain new customers and reach the markets you truly wanted because you took control of the story and started consistently telling people who you are and what you are all about.
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