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What Fishing Can Teach Us About Business


Do you often wonder why your prospects aren’t biting?

You’ve decided to go fishing. You spend the week getting ready. You pick the location, shop for groceries, invite your friends, gas up the truck and the boat. The night before you pack your lunch, tackle, beverages, coolers, and everything else you need. You wake up early, take your coffee in a big thermos and pick up your friends. Then you drive to the lake, launch the boat, find that perfect fishing spot. 

Then you cast your line twice, and turn around and go home.

Does this make any sense? 

More Casts = More Business

When I start working with a new private coaching client, one of the first things I often hear is “nobody is biting.”  So I ask them - how many new people did you meet in the last month? The answer is often “2”!

Putting all that work into landing that dream job or starting that business and then not reaching out to enough prospects is like planning that big fishing trip and only casting your line twice before going home.

Most people simply don’t cast the line enough, and then they say “nobody’s biting”.

You have to cast your line more than twice if you want to hook more prospects.

Pro Tip: Start keeping track of how many new people you’ve connected with for a conversation about business each month.  This can be over a coffee, or even easier, a virtual coffee online - because no commuting! 

Set a goal to double your new business connections each month.

This is a simple thing you can track that will have a direct impact on your success. The more people you see, the more business you’ll close.  

The more time you spend casting your line, the better chance you’ll be bringing home a feast for supper!


The Shouldna, Couldna, Wouldna
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