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The 5 W's of ReConnection: #2 - WHO


There are so many WHO’s that matter in your business. 


Okay, not these WHOs but, you know what I mean. 

#1 - WHO - Clients

When I'm working with clients, I always start with their niche markets because if they don't know who it is they are trying to serve, how do they know what to say? And then how do they even know where to spend their time or energy? If we are just trying to reach everybody, it's impossible. 

In order to figure out WHO, I challenge you to ask yourself these questions: 

  • Do I like the clients that I'm working with? 
  • Do I like the groups of people that I'm serving?
  •  Do I make money with the niche markets that I'm targeting? 
  •  Are they the right fit?

Sometimes as our business grows, we look at our niche markets and we think it's time to level up. Is there a higher value market that you've just never pursued before, but now that you've grown, you are ready to serve them in a way that you couldn't before? Your target markets don't have to stay the same forever. So that's our first set of whos.

#2 - WHO - Partners

The second set of WHOs is our partners.  These are the strategic alliances, suppliers that you work with, etc.  

In order to figure out WHO your partners are, I challenge you to ask yourself these questions: 

  • Who is selling complementary services to the same markets as me?
  • Which businesses do I have a relationship with?
  • Are my suppliers still the right fit for my business?

#3 - WHO - Champions

Last, but most certainly not least (in fact….this should be first!), one of the most important WHOs are champions. Champions are simply educated referral sources. They know and have influence over one or more of your niche markets and understand what you do, why it matters, and why people care.

In order to figure out WHO your potential champions are, I challenge you to ask yourself these questions: 

  • Who is sending you referrals?
  • Who has connected with you recently to get together but you haven’t yet made the time?
  • Who is speaking highly of your business even when you are not around?

So, those are your really important WHOS; your clients, your partners inside and outside of your business, and your champions. Take time to reconnect with those people. And as the great Dr. Seuss, says;  “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” — Dr. Seuss


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