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One Powerful Technique That Boosts Your Qualified Referrals

You find out your favourite client is telling people how great it is working with you! 

One of your champions says, “I know someone who can use your services. I’ll pass your name along.”

Wonderful, right? Who doesn’t love qualified referrals?!

Then you wait for the phone to ring… and you wait… and you wait… Why is it taking so long for those referrals to reach out? Well, unfortunately, more often than not, those calls never come through. So, what steps can you take to make the most of word-of-mouth referrals and increase your chances of actually getting to meet those new prospects?

Introducing: The Warm Email Introduction! šŸ™‚


The Power of this Warm Introduction Technique

Hopefully, you’ve built up great relationships with several business champions by now. They know your value and tell you often how many people they’re sending your way. 

Make this simple request next time you hear they’ve been recommending you…

An e-introduction to your contact would be greatly appreciated.

Email introductions are powerful. Take the initiative and ask for one. When you’re both included in an email introduction, this new contact may feel more comfortable—and obliged—to reply to you because their friend is part of the email. Similarly, once the initial email has been initiated, you can follow up directly yourself and start nurturing that relationship (without going into full sales mode!). 

You can even take it one step further and provide your champion with some sample email wording they can send on to people they’re recommending you to. 

Would you like me to share the email that other champions use to introduce me?

By making it as EASY as possible for your champion to, well, champion you, they’re even more likely to make that introduction. You can reduce the friction by providing some warm introduction text they can use in an email and asking them to include you whenever they send it out. 


Continue to Boost Your Qualified Referral Success

Referrals from trusted sources are one of the most powerful, reliable, and sustainable ways to grow your business. And the power of a well-worded mutual introduction from your business champions can accelerate this process.

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