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Setting Yourself Up For A Prosperous Year

As we approach the end of each year, we tend to think about how this year went and start getting ready for the new year. 2021 was a difficult one, and we all thought it would be better than it was. When the pandemic hit we were thinking we’d have it cased by the end of 2020. Then maybe early 2021, then by summer, and then oh man it has been another entire year of change and uncertainty!

So what have we learned and what can we look forward to in 2022?  

It has become clear that people just want the real deal. They want optimism, but straight facts.  The good news? We do actually look like we’re getting to the other side of this global crisis. The bad news? We’ll probably see something like this again at some point. So how can we set ourselves up better for next time?

We’ve all been through challenges. During my career in the years before the pandemic, I faced a number of other setbacks and restarts. I took 3 maternity leaves, lost my father, and started caring for my mother after a debilitating health diagnosis, left my corporate career, and started my business. Stuff happens that sets us back, and some of it sucks. But what I’ve learned throughout all of this is that it’s not about what happens, it’s about how we respond to what happens.

Here are some thoughts I’d like to leave you with as we head into a well-deserved holiday:

  • Focus on what you can control - There are many things outside of your control but there are also many things inside your control so don’t lose track of that
  • We’re all in this together - Everyone in your market is sharing a similar situation which creates the opportunity to have common conversations. Never before have we had something major in common with literally everyone in the world. And I believe this shared challenge has led to deeper and more meaningful connections with the people we have met along the way.
  • Compartmentalize - it is much easier to get things done when you can give yourself time to be optimistic and time to grieve
  • Community - It all comes back down to your community - the community your business serves and the communities you’re part of that other businesses support. I’ve been mindful to continue to service my clients as well as buying local to keep the local business going.
  • Keep Breathing - If you’re a Tom Hanks fan like me you may recall how he survived 4 years on a deserted island in Castaway- he said ‘I’ve got to keep breathing because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?

So here’s to a prosperous, healthy 2022. May you have success in 2022 that shows up in the most unexpected ways so you can find freedom and joy in your business in the year ahead. 


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